Marine & Offshore Travel Management
Why would I care if my agent knows the difference between a bulker and a container ship?

We have been serving the shipping industry for over 35 years and have gained an in-depth understanding of the very special and fluctuating requirements we need to meet and exceed on a daily basis. So, when we receive a travel request from you, we know, per case, whether to also offer alternate dates to maximize your travel budget or get the right route booked ASAP because you’re fighting the clock. We also know it serves to have a well thought out backup plan for when situations change, as they invariably do. We know that during busy times you need your admin staff to concentrate on dealing with matters that arise and not distracted with trying to route a complicated trip to an outpost in Brazil on an air-tickets website. We know at that moment we need to come through, free your resources and offer the right solution, first time around.
And to round it all off nicely, our travel department will help you with business travel and leisure options around the world while our destination management colleagues will come up with stellar ideas for your corporate entertainment needs.
After all, it’s all about you.
Maritime Travel ●Crew Rotation Services ● Travel Management ● VISA & Documentation support ● Account Management ● VIP Services ● Customized Technology Solutions ● Cost Reduction Solutions ● Tailored Travel Services ● 24/7/365 Service ● Frequent Traveler Program Management ● Quality Control ● Cost Analysis Reports